Voluntary work within the community is one of the most valuable
contributions one can make to society.
Many of us make that contribution on an irregular basis, but to find
someone with a lifelong commitment to volunteerism is understandably
unique. One such person is St. Patrick’s
Avenue resident Aidan Prendergast who 38 years ago founded Athy Boy Scouts and
who recently received the Order of Cu Chulainn for profound and long service to
scouting. It is, so far as I am aware, the
first time this particular award has been made to an officer of the local
scouting group.
In 1977 Aidan, then working with the local building firm of D&J
Carbery of St. John’s Lane, was approached by the local curate, Fr.
Prenderville. He was asked to help with
the setting up of a Catholic Boy Scout troop in Athy at a time when a separate
Bading Powell Scout group were operating out of the Church of Ireland Hall at
Church Road. I am happy to relate that
both scouting groups amalgamated in 1995 to form a Scouting Ireland troop.
The initial meetings of the 1977 scouting movement were held in the
Leinster Arms Hotel where Aidan was joined by Breda O’Neill of St. Joseph’s
Terrace, Mairead Walsh of Stanhope Street, Jackie Johnson of Dooley’s Terrace,
Christine Condron of Ratharrig and Trish Robinson of Dooley’s Terrace. I hope that in recording these early pioneers
of scouting in Athy I have not overlooked someone – but if so let me know as it
is important in recording local history of this nature to ensure that the
record is as accurate as possible.
The Leinster Arms Hotel meetings resulted in the setting up of a
scout troop catering for boys of 12 years of age. Weekly scouting sessions were held in the
vacant Christian Brother’s School in St. John’s Lane and as the movement grew a
group of cub scouts was also established.
The old school premises had in time to be abandoned and alternative
premises were made available courtesy of the Athy Development Association. This association founded by Bill Fenelon,
Trevor Shaw, Johnny Watchorn and others did wonderful work in its time to
encourage industry to locate in Athy. It
was responsible for the purchase of lands later developed as the Woodstock
Industrial Estate and also assisted the local boy scouts in transferring its
activities to the old Minch Norton stores at the Canal Harbour. There the scouts remained for 10 or 11 years.
The ongoing growth of the scouting movement prompted the setting up
of a parents committee with the stated purpose of raising funds to acquire a
permanent home for the scouts.
Fundraising over a number of years proved sufficiently successful for an
approach to be made to the then Parish Priest, Fr. Philip Dennehy, for a new
scout headquarters. Part of the old
British Legion Hall site at St. John’s Lane, which in later years housed the
Social Club and subsequently the C.Y.M.S., was acquired for a new scouts
den. Development work by Jim Lawler,
Building Contractor, started in 1990 and shortly afterwards the 5th
Kildare Athy Scouts moved into their new premises.
In 1995 the two separate scouting movements in Athy came together
and today operate as one troop based in the St. John’s Premises under the name ‘Scouting Ireland’. Nowadays the movement caters for
approximately 100 boys and girls under a variety of categories with interesting
titles as Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venture Scouts and Rover Scouts. Scout meetings are held 6 days a week with
Beavers catering for 6-9 year olds coming together on Thursdays. Cubs with members aged 9-12 years meet on
Wednesdays, while scouts, catering for 12-15 year olds come together on
Friday. The older groups, Venture
Scouts, catering for up to 18 year olds and Rover Scouts for over 18 year olds,
meet on Saturdays and Mondays.
Some weeks ago the founder and former group leader Aidan Prendergast
was presented with one of Irish scouting highest awards in recognition of his ‘dedicated and steadfast commitment to
scouting which impacted on the lives of many young people.’ Aidan, while still involved in scouting, is
no longer the local group leader, a position occupied in the past by Cecilia
Crowley and presently by Fergus Lennon.
Others involved today in Scouting Ireland in Athy include John
Delaney, Jackie Eustace, Mary Fricker, Niall Davis, Dave Ward, Ray Whelan,
Breda O’Connor, Johnny O’Connor, Stephen Horan and Sandra Lennon. Again I am conscious in giving a list such as
this that there is always the possibility of omitting someone whose
contribution deserves equal mention. Let
me know if any such person has been omitted.
The scouting movement has gone from strength to strength encouraging
young boys and girls to become involved in a wonderful range of outdoor
activities including camping, mountaineering, hiking and kayaking. All of these under the guidance and leadership
of a group of adults whose commitment to their community is perhaps best shown
by the work of the founder of the 5th Kildare Athy Scouts Aidan
Prendergast over the last 38 years.
يمكنك التواصل مع اكبر شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء تعمل باحدث المواد والطرق في ابادة الحشرات والتخلص منها باقل التكاليف وعلي ايدي الخبراء .
ReplyDeleteيمكنك الان الحصول علي افضل الخدمات من خلال شركه حراسات امنية اليت تعمل باحدث الطرق والاساليب في حماية وتامين اهم الشخصيات في شركه امن وحراسة بمصر وباقل التكاليف التي تعمل بها شركات الحراسة الاخري
ReplyDeleteتواصل مع دار مسنين بمدينة نصر المتخصص في اعمال الرعاية الصحية والنفسية لكبار السن ومن خلال بعض المرافقين المتواجدون في دار مسنين بالمعادي حيث انهم مدربين علي الرعاية اللازمة للمسنين من خلال الاطباء والممرضين المتخصصيين في دار مسنين بمصر الجديدة وباقل التكاليف الممكنه في مصر .
ReplyDeleteشركة عزل اسطح بجازان
ReplyDeleteشركة عزل أسطح بجازان تعمل على القيا بجميع أدوات العزل، والعمل على توفير كافة المواد التي تعمل على إتمام العزل بالشكل المرضي، حيث توفر الشركة مواد العزل الحراري والمائي والفوم، والعمل على تدريب العمالة الخاصة بالشركة على العمل تحت أي ظرف، يعاني العديد من سكان مدينة جازان من تسرب مياه الأمطار أو المياه المسربة من الخزانات، يؤدي تلك الأمور إلى انهيار الجدران