Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Photograph of St. Joseph's School boys school circa 1949

They gazed at the photographer with a sense of wonderment, while their class teacher, a Sister of Mercy, in all probability stood behind the man with the camera.  The photograph was of my class in St. Joseph’s School.


I first attended St. Joseph’s School on the day of my fourth birthday, which coincidentally was also the day chosen by Mrs. English of St. John’s Lane to send her oldest child, Frank, to the same school.  It was only in recent years when I had access to the St. Joseph’s School roll that I became aware that my dear friend ‘Harry’ English and myself joined St. Joseph’s School on 12th May 1946.


Looking at the photograph I cannot identify all of the 36 young boys pictured on the driveway to the Sister of Mercy Convent.  It brings back memories of a time when the Sisters of Mercy were entrusted with the first three years of young local boys education before they graduated to the local Christian Brothers School in St. John’s Lane.  Under the care and guidance of St. Bernard, Sr. Brendan and Sr. Alberta we learned the three Rs and prepared for the celebration of the first big event in our young lives – First Communion in the nearby Parish Church.  I have treasured memories of my years in St. Joseph’s School and this photograph recalls for me school friends, some of whom have since passed away, while others like myself, have passed the biblical three score and ten.


I would be delighted to have your help in identifying the young boys in the photograph, even if it is only one boy you can name let me know so that one element of the story of St. Joseph’s Boys School can be fully revealed.

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