Some time ago, indeed quite a long time ago, I received a note
asking me if a knew of an Athy man who was President of one of the constituent
colleges of Oxford University. The
writer of the note was uncertain as to his name and indeed had no knowledge of
the college of which he was or had been President . The jigsaw was so incomplete that my initial
attempts to identify the person were unsuccessful, so much so that I began to
doubt the accuracy of my information and so put the matter aside. A further note this time with some more
information prompted a letter to St. John’s College, Oxford and the reply
received confirmed the name of a retired President of the College who indeed
did have links with our town. William
Hayes was his name and it turned out that the future President of St. John’s
College, Oxford was born in Kilorglin, Co Kerry in 1930. Bill the son of Robert Hayes of Bandon County
Cork and Eileen Tobin of Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick came to live in Athy in 1934
when his father, a member of the Garda Siochana transferred from
Kilorglin. Robert Hayes was a garda
sergeant who with his family lived in Athy for just over 10 years before
transferring to Rathfarnham on promotion to the rank of Inspector. It would appear, although the copy records I
have are not clear on this point, that my own father transferred from
Castlecomer to replace Sergeant Hayes in Athy.
The Hayes family, after spending a short time in rented
accommodation in the centre of Athy, at an address not yet identified, moved
into No. 6 St. Michael’s Terrace. Bill
Hayes first went to school in St. Joseph’s in Rathstewart where he remembers
the legendary County Kerry Sister of Mercy, Sr. Brendan who must have put
several generations of Athy boys through her classes. After three years in the care of the Sisters
of Mercy, Bill with his class mates transferred to the Christian Brothers
School in St. John’s Lane.
When Bill Hayes wrote to me in response to my letter seeking some
background information the details he gave of his youth in Athy mirrored in so
many ways my own experiences a decade or more later. Here is what he had to write “during the war
years I picked cans of blackberries and sold them to a local fruiterer for jam
making. I was involved in getting the
family turf in from the local bog for the Winter”. I too remember the work involved in saving
the turf and bringing it in from Killart bog while the blackberry picking in my
time was solely for jam making at home.
The commercial instinct of the youngsters in the 1950’s was met by
collecting and selling jam jars and bottles to “Chopsie” Dillon of Barrow Quay.
He was also in the market for rabbits but neither Teddy Kelly or myself could
ever master the skill required to snare the rabbits which populated the
Coneyboro area.
About 1940 a boy scout troop was established in Athy and Bill Hayes
joined the 5th Kildares under Scout Master Paddy Mullery of William
Street. Sydney Minch was also involved
with the Scouts and he encouraged the youngsters to take up boxing with the
club which he had set up some time previously.
Bill Hayes recalls the annual boxing tournament between the Athy Club
and Sydney Minch’s old college Clongowes Wood, as well as the shows put on in
the Town Hall where as he describes it “some of the local worthies had their
legs pulled”.
Soon after achieving first place in the examination for a County
Council Scholarship Bill Hayes left Athy and went to live in Dublin where he
attended Synge Street Christian Brothers School. The difference in the educational levels of
Synge Street compared to Athy school was in his own words similar to a transfer
from the second division to the premier division. Synge Street was a much larger school than
Athy with pupils streamed and taught by the very best teachers within the Irish
Christian Brothers congregations. We may
not have been always aware in the 1940’s and later, that the creme de la creme
of the Christian Brothers were reserved for the showcase Christian Brothers
schools in Dublin and Cork, but even if we were, we had to be grateful for
those Brothers who were made available to us here in Athy. I suppose, in a way, there is a lot of credit
due to the pupils from provincial Christian Brothers schools such as Athy who
did well, and in so many cases, even better than their more privileged
colleagues in the premier schools in Dublin and Cork.
Bill Hayes who at an early age signalled his academic excellence
with first place in the County Council’s scholarship examination came first in
Synge Street in his Leaving Certificate examinations and won the school’s Roche
medal. He went on to U.C.D and after
seven years of academic study and research obtained his doctorate in physics
and took up a position in St. John’s College, Oxford as an overseas scholar. Later having obtained a second doctorate in
physics from Oxford he became a Fellow of St. John’s and with it came
accommodation in the college where he was now a Tutorial Fellow.
St. John’s College was founded in 1555 as a Roman Catholic
foundation and was one of a large number of residential colleges many of which
had monastic and episcopal connections.
During the reign of Elizabeth I, St. John’s became an Anglican
establishment and as part of a loose federation of Oxford Colleges primarily
provided training in the classics for Anglican Clergymen. The University Act of 1854 reformed the
University by allowing non-Anglicans to take an Oxford degree and freed college
Fellows from the obligation to become priests of the Anglican Church. On his appointment as a Fellow, Bill Hayes
became the first Roman Catholic Fellow in Oxford in almost four hundred
In 1985 the former Christian Brother pupil was appointed head of the
Clarendon Laboratory and Professor within St. Johns College. Two years later he was elected President of
the College, and remained until his retirement in 2001. In 1990 he was elected Pro-Vice Chancellor of
the University of Oxford a position he held until his retirement at the age of
seventy years, all the time retaining his position as Senior Research Fellow of
Clarendon Laboratory. Now in retirement
he still retains his research space in the Laboratory as an honorary Fellow and
continues to publish an occasional research paper. An external examiner in physics for a number
of years in the Colleges of the National University of Ireland he was awarded
an honorary Doctorate in Science by the N.U.I in 1988. Bill or to give him his full name William
Hayes has an entry in Who’s Who which gives a comprehensive and impressive list
of his academic achievements over the years.
He married in 1962 Joan Ferris, whose brother Barry was Professor of
the Medical Faculty of U.C.C. Sadly his
wife died tragically in 1996 while his three children, whom he tells me visited
Athy in their teens, live in Birmingham and London. Bill Hayes in his first short letter to me
wrote of his fond memories of Athy and subsequently recalled two of his
teachers as Pat Spillane and Brother Regan.
The latter I believe to be Brother Zachary O’Regan.
Bill Hayes’ achievements are quite remarkable and despite the fact
that he was not born in Athy the ten formative years he spent in our town would
more than justify our claim to a shared interest in the man who rose to such
prominence in the academic life of the great university city of Oxford. It is quite remarkable that our small town
provided the early education for two young boys, one of whom, Bill Watts would
become Provost of Trinity College and the other, Bill Hayes, President of St.
John’s College, Oxford and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of
1 comment:
- 16 March 2025. R.I.P. Bill. Ar dheist Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
The support you gave me as one of your students at St. John's, offered in your kind and gentlemanly fashion, has always been deeply appreciated—both at the time and to this sad day.
My fellow alumni and I matriculated in 1966 and graduated in 1969 under your guidance. Heartfelt thanks from me, and on behalf of all your students, for your constructive and helpful tutorials—always gentle in manner yet firm in direction and substance.
Nearly fifty years later, we had the privilege of enjoying your company once again, when you and Anne graciously accepted our luncheon invitation. On that special occasion, we were also joined by your fellow tutor, Roger Elliott.
My sincere condolences to your family and to Anne.
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